My life

  • Born

    I was born at 1:15 p.m. in Mexico City
  • I learned to speak

    I learned to speak
    The firts word that I said was "Papá"
  • I learned to walk

    I learned to walk
    my father helped me while he supported me
  • I learned to read

    I learned to read
    My cousin helped me
  • I entered the elementary school

    I entered the elementary school
    I was 6 years old when I entered
  • The firts time I traveled

    The firts time I traveled
    I went to Huatulco and I knew the sea
  • My cat died

    My cat died
    He was named Tommy and he was my favorite pet
  • I entered the secondary

    I entered the secondary
    I was 12 years old when I entered
  • I was at the hospital

    I was at the hospital
    I got sick because of poisoning
  • I entered the UNAM

    I entered the UNAM
    With 98 hits I entered the school