I was born on september 14, 2000. I weighed 2 pounds and 9 ounces, i was a preemie baby, and also i was 3 months early. -
when i turned 5
When i turned five my dad started teaching me how to tie my shoes and chew bubble gum and blow bubbles, cause i was a daddys girl, and still im. -
In 2008 my step dad roonie passed away and i miss him dearly, its been about 6 years. But i will always think about him. -
Easter day
In april on easter day me and my dad got a new dog, a black lab, it was a female, and we named her drama she ran away about 3 years ago. But she was my baby. -
7th grade
in 2012, i started 7th grade and i meant one of my good friends, which is lori and we are still good friends to this day. -
My first love
around feburary, in the winter, when i was still in 7th grade i meant Hayden, and he is the first on i fell in love with. -
My 2013 summer
In the summer of 2013, me and my ex boyfriend (Hayden) ran away about 10 times at this moment. -
My birthday
In 2013, september 14, my birthday i got a new phone and after that i ran away for about 5 days. -
When i ran away again
When i ran away over the winter, i got frost bit, i had it for about 2 weeks, i learned my lesson after that. -
This year is my fresham year in the holly high school & so far its going great. -
This year was homecoming and i went with my ex boyfriend Hayden. -
My family
My family to this day us falling apart, my sister is 17 and pregnate, everyone aruges and we all dont get along. -
My mom got jumbped the date of this night and the family is slowing falling apart, but i do everything i can to make the family stick together, -
My school
My school is going good, and i plan on passing this year, My dad is counting on me. -
I am here at school doing my best, i am 14 years old & a freshamn.