My Life

  • birthday

    I was born at home in winter at around
    1:00am. At
    Around 7:00am my
    Mum decided she
    Would call me Leo
  • Fed Brother

    Fed Brother
    I fed my brother
    Martyn a toilet roll
    Wile I was having a
  • Being a baby

    Being a baby
    Just eating, pooping
    Exploring, sleeping
    And then repeating.
  • Moved to singapore

    Moved to singapore
    I moved to Singapore
    To live there for two
    Years. We lived in a
    23 story building with
    An indoor spa on five
    Of the levels and
    Pools on the ground
  • Started ELC

    Started ELC
    I started ELC in Singapore
    Met some
  • Left Singapore

    And went on a five month camping trip around Australia.
  • Started Prep

    started Prep
    And I got my first
    Dirtbike. It was a
    Peewee 50
  • Year 1

    I started year 1 and
    Nearly broke my
    Arm and also my
  • Year 2

    Year 2
    I started year 2 and
    My big brother cut his kneecap open
  • Started Year 3

    Started Year 3
  • Started year 4

    Started Year 4 and almost broke my arm while rock climing for the first time ever
  • Year Five

    Year Five
    Started year five and
    Did a frontflip on my
    Trampoline.On this day in 1789 the first us
    President was elected
  • Started year six and went on a big holiday

    Started year six and went on a big holiday
    Started year six and Got a new teacher And went to Asia forThree weeks andI went paintballing for the first
    Time and it was really fun and it hurts if you get hit. And we also
    Started renovating our house
    To make it two storys.
  • Started year 7

    Started year 7 and did this timeline.On this day in 1952 Queen Elizabeth became queen.And my big brother turned eighteen.