When was i born?
I was born in Terrassa (Barcelona) i 'm a boy, i have a father, mother and one brother older than me. -
I enter to the pre-school
I did enter to the pre-school when i was three years old, and i known a lot of friennds. -
Disney Land
In 2006, i went to Disney Land Parias with my family, i passed a great time with the celelebrity there are. -
High School
I started un high-school at twelve years old, with my friends and other pepole that i didn't knew there was. -
I when to Scarought this summer with an academy school, and olso with friends, for learnt more english. I lived 2 weeks in the house of the photo i puted. -
Third of ESO
And now i am in third of Eso, learning new things, studying and have funny wiith friends.