My life

  • My older sister was born

  • Period: to

    My life

  • I was born

  • My scar

    Around about late July I believe, I was waddling around and tripped over my dog. This caused me to face plant onto concrete. I busted my forehead open and had to be rushed to the ER. I now have a scar on my forehead that gets more noticeable everyday.
  • Sensitive topic

    May 26th, 2010 my uncle shot himself in the heart. I was only 4 at the time so I didn't understand. Suicide is a very sensitive topic to me and I might break down if anybody gets deep into it.
  • Sensitive topic pt 2.

    I believe on August 19th, 2010 my memaw also committed suicide. I lost 2 family members to suicide that year. We attend a suicide prevention walk every year now and donate money to the out of the darkness walk.
  • Meeting my best friend

    I'm not sure of the year or the date but this is when I got my dog
  • Parents divorced

    I'm not really sure of the day. This started a new chapter of my life that really makes it complicated, especially with schoolwork if we get assigned text books. I have to keep things in my backpack because we aren't allowed to have 2 of everything.
  • Surgery

    Happened like a week after parents got divorced
  • Moving to the Delph

  • My nephew was born

    My nephew was born. My sister thought that she was not going to be able to have children but he was a happy surprise. His name is Kavion Eli Johnson. He is so sweet and he makes me so happy.