My life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on a tuesday, in february 24 of 1998. I was the first daughter of my parents, and the first girl in the family. I had a lot of love and i was very happy when I was a little girl.
  • My childhood

    My childhood
    In mi childhood, I was a little girl very playful, I enjoyed dancing and always I had a big smile in my face, on my birthday my family got together for eat a cake. In this year I started to study in the Kinder Garden "El burro Flautista".
  • My younger sister

    My younger sister
    In 2004 my sister was born, she was a little baby, i remember when i saw her the first time,This day in the morning before going to school my mom came home with the big surprise. This was totally new to me, since this moment I have tried to take care of her.
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    In 2008, I was made my firts communion in the Church, this day mi family were with me, my family is catholic and this success is very important, mainly for my grantparents. I love God too, but Im not a religious person.
  • My time at school

    My time at school
    I studied in Liceo Campestre Cafam since
    fourth grade to my high school graduation, I found some many great people and also bad people, despite this i was very happry in the school, but I was not a very good student and I lost ninth grade.
  • My grade of school

    My grade of school
    In December I had my grade in "La Floresta" I was very exciting because i finished the school, and I had some friends and a boyfriend jajaja
  • Start at university

    Start at university
    When i started to study in the university, I think it was awesome, because after I found some increible friends, I had a boyfriend, and I studied something that i Loved. In this time i knew so much that my professional career, people, i had some bad califications, but also very good califications.
  • Discover

    I started to discover and know myself, I started practice yoga, and i really love this, because I have peace, calm, peace of mind and also could find a lot of thing that i like between the yga and meditation. I found a new passion, that is traveling, i love get my bag and leaving home, and descovered new places and landscape.