February 2nd, 2006. Born at Logansport Hospital. On February 12 a huge winter storm happened in the US. This relates to my birth because when I was born a blizzard happend. -
Got bit by a dog when I was 3 and had surgery, I would add pictures but there ugly. The resession of 2008, compares to this because bad things happened to people this year like me. -
Easter- Peach Cobbler day
Easter when I was in kindergarten. National Peach Cobbler day, I ate peach cobbler this easter. -
First year of soccer- UK coming out of ressesion
Either Pre-k or Kindergarten, i dont know the right year. The United Kingdom came out of ressesion on this day. -
Baton- Oscar Host fiasco
I started baton this year, and did it for like 5 years. Im comparing this to my first year of baton because I probably messed up alot like the host for the Oscars did. -
Christmas- Summer olympics.
One of my first few Christmas's. Comparing this to the Summer Olympics because it was a fun day. -
Lived in Texas
Lived in Houston, had the worst year of first grade ever. The day before I left, last sleepover with sammy. -
Baton when I was in 2nd grade. -
First Jr Dance
First formal dance in Jr high, a picture from the back because 7th grade was not it. -
We won the Indy Premier soccer tournament. -
Surprise party
My "Surprise Party" that wasn't a surprise because I was nosy. -
Easter two years ago. -
Vacation with belle
We went to North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and idk where else