1. my life

My life!

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was bor the 14th march 1975 (fourtteent of march nineteen seventy five) , at the San Pedro Claver Cilinic in Bogotá.
  • My brother

    My brother
    Two years later my brother was born. The Tennth of agust nineteen seventy seven. (10th august 1977)
  • Kindergarten

    When I was goin to be four years old, I entred Kindergarten
  • Our New House

    Our New House
    We moved to our new house in the city roma neighborhood.
    In this neighborhood, I lived most of y life. Many of my friend met them there.
  • Elementary and High School

    Elementary and High School
    In the year 1985 (nineteen eighty-five), finished my elementary school and started high school
  • University

    I went to university, studied Business Administration
  • my first job

    my first job
    In the year 1995 (nineteen ninety-five) I got my first job, it was in a Bank
  • Birth of my son

    Birth of my son
    My son was born, 10th april 1996 (tenth of april nineteen ninety-six) it was one of the happiest moments of my life.
  • Currently

    Now I live in Madrid, with my parents an my son.
    Close to my brother and my nephews.
    My son is currently a college graduate.
    I´m not working for any company.
  • In the future

    In the future
    I´m starting my own business in the company of my son.
    I will my business to work and I will travel and get to know other countiea and new cultures
    I would like to have a grandson.