My Life

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born in Hutchinson, Kansas.
  • The Day I Turned One

    The Day I Turned One
    This is my first birthday and first year of life.
  • My Little Sister Was Born

    My Little Sister Was Born
    My sister, Clara, was born in Hutchinson, Kansas.
  • First Day of School

    This is my first day of school and my first day of preschool.
  • Softball

    For the first time ever, I joined a sports team and it was machine-pitch softball. This is important because it sparked my interest in sports.
  • Chinese New Year

    In second grade everyone had to participate in putting on a celebration for the whole school based off of Chinese New Year and I spoke about a snake or sheep.
  • Florida

    On my first vacation I got to go to Florida and, more specifically, Disney World.
  • 10th Birthday

    I turned double digits on my tenth birthday, something my family exaggerates a little bit over.
  • Royals

    I went to my first Kansas City Royals baseball game in Kansas City.
  • Colorado

    I got to go to Colorado for a vacation and see mountains, the zoo, and go on a train ride up Pike's Peak.
  • Sixth Grade Promotion

    I ended 6th grade with a "promotion" that was meant to give out awards, talk about elementary memories, and other things.
  • Washington DC

    Washington DC
    I got to visit Washington DC and see museums, the capital, and many other things.
  • First Day of Seventh Grade

    This is my first day out of elementary school and into middle school.
  • Kool-aid Dye

    Kool-aid Dye
    In third grade my mom let me dye the tips of my hair with kool-aid and after that I died it in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, too. However, in 6th grade, instead of dying it red like I had done all of the times before, I decided to dye it blue. When my hair dried it was green and because of it everyone asked what I did to it and I earned the nickname kool-aid from one of my friends.
  • Texas

    I got to go on my most recent vacation to Texas and see lots of things there.