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Biography: I am vanessa ramirez I am 15 years old

  • I was born on October 24, 2003

     I was born on October 24, 2003
  • Period: to

    I started going to the San Francisco garden of Assisi in Tabio

  • I graduated from transition grade

    I graduated from  transition grade
  • Period: to

    I start studying at the Liceo San Carlos school.

  • I graduated from fifth grade

    I graduated from fifth grade
  • I made my first communion

    I made my first communion
  • I begin to studing in the San Gabriel

    I begin to studing in the San Gabriel
  • I sent me to put the brackets

  • I dyed my hair

    I dyed my hair
  • I'm 15 years old

    I'm 15 years old
  • I graduated from ninth grade

    I graduated from ninth grade
  • I entered tenth