My Life

  • BIrth

    I was born February 24 2004
  • First Time Crawling

    I first started Crawling when I was 5 month old
  • First Time Walking

    I first started walking when I was 13 months old
  • Talking

    I started talking when I when i was three years old
  • Pre-K

    I went to Pre-k when I was four years old
  • First Day Of School

    When I was 5 I started going top kinder
  • First Grade

    When I was six I went to First grade at Rowlett Elementary
  • Scare

    In the 1st grade i fell on my head and got a scare on my eyebrow.
  • Second Grade

    In second grade i learned how to add and subtract
  • Bike

    I learned how to ride a bike when I was 7
  • Soccer

    I started playing soccer when I was in the second grade.
  • Third Grade

    I learned how to multiply and divide
  • Starr Test

    I passed my first Starr Test
  • Surgery

    when I was in the third grade i got surgery done on me.
  • Fourth Grade

    In the fourth grade I got a 100 on my math Starr Test
  • 5th Grade

    I went on a camping trip with the whole school for three days
  • Detention

    The first time I got detention was in the Fifth grade
  • 6th Grade

    For the sixth grade went to Coyle Middle School,and I got all honors and I got a certification for good grades.
  • PS4

    When I was In the 6th Grade I got a PS4
  • 7th Grade

    I tried out for the school soccer team and i made it in.
  • Phone

    I got my first phone when I was in the 7th grade.
  • 8th grade

    I transferred from Coyle Middle School to Harmony Science Academy
  • Fortnite

    I played Fortnite the week it came out
  • 9th Grade

    I tried out for the school soccer team and I made it in.I start
  • Austin

    I went to a wedding in Austin