My life

  • Terrorism Attack

    Terrorism Attack
    Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, New York
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on August 5th, 2002
  • My third brother was born

    My third brother was born
    My third brother Kevin Alexis is born
  • I start my studies

    I start my studies
    I start my studies at Eliseo Trujillo Kindergarten
  • My father emigrates to the United States

    My father emigrates to the United States
  • I'm graduating from Kindergarten

    I'm graduating from Kindergarten
    I'm graduating from Kindergarten
  • I started my primary education

    I started my primary education
    I started my primary education at the Eduardo J. Correa School
  • Epidemic in Mexico

    Epidemic in Mexico
    The epidemic in Mexico of the H1N1 virus begins
  • My father comes back from the United States

    My father comes back from the United States
  • My little sister was born

    My little sister was born
    The last of my sisters Yareli Saraí is born
  • I finish my primary education

    I finish my primary education
    I finish my primary education
  • Start my next level of studies

    Start my next level of studies
    Start my next level of studies in General Secondary No. 11 J. Guadalupe Peralta Gamez
  • I finish my Secondary education

    I finish my Secondary education
    I finish my Secondary education
  • Start my high school education in CBTis No. 168

    Start my high school education in CBTis No. 168