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My Life

  • The Born Of Manu

    The Born Of  Manu
    She was borned in 2003 at the hospital Reina Sofia. It was a very exciting moment for all.
  • The Born Of Sofía

    The Born Of Sofía
    She was borned in 2004, in the hospital Reina Sofía. Al her family were so happy for having a new memeber of that big BIG family.
  • When Sofía was 3 years old...

    When Sofía was 3 years old...
    She entered to a little hildren garden named: Tommy Aprendiedo Con Amor.
  • At the 2 years

    At the 2 years
    I enter to the garden called La Casita de Sammy, at 2 years
  • After La Casita de Sammy I enter to a school

    After La Casita de Sammy I enter to a school
    I enter to a school called Jose Max Leon, when i have only 6 years old, I so excited and nervous because is y first time that I enter to a school tath is so big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Later Tommy Aprendiendo Con Amor

    Later Tommy Aprendiendo Con Amor
    Whan Sofía was 5 years old, she entered to a school named: Arca InternacionL BilingÜe, were she stadied all her live until she was 11 years old....
  • The first comunion of Manu

    The first comunion of Manu
    I was 9 years old when I was in my frst comunion. There was a really exciting and happy day for all (my family, my friends, etc) I really love that day.
  • When Sofí was 11 years old

    When Sofí was 11 years old
    In 2015 Sofía entered to a school named José Max León
  • The last birthday of manu

    The last birthday of manu
    It was a exciting day, with many peolpe and so much happy blessings. That day, give me many gifts and too much sorprises. I loved that day, because I was with all my family, and it was so funny
  • Today!!!

    Sofía is making a timeline in the technology classroom, with lucho!!!