My Life

  • Dylann was born (:

  • Period: to

    Dylanns life

  • Deadliest act of terrorism in Indonesia

    Deadliest act of terrorism in Indonesia
    Bombings occured on the Ondoneian island of Bali, killing 202 people.
  • learned to walk

    learned to walk
  • Biggest blackout in US history

    Biggest blackout in US history
  • 38th Superbowl

    38th Superbowl
  • I started preschool

    I started preschool
  • Dylann's 2 little sisters were born

  • I learned how to ride a bike

    I learned how to ride a bike
  • started school

    started school
  • learned to read

    learned to read
  • The Price is Right show celebrates 35th anniversary

    The Price is Right show celebrates 35th anniversary
  • First black president

    First black president
  • H1N1 illness outbreak

    H1N1 illness outbreak
  • Oil spill in Mexico

    Oil spill in Mexico
  • Magnitude 5.8 earthquake in D.C area

    Magnitude 5.8 earthquake in D.C area
  • I started middle school

    I started middle school
  • I got my braces removed

  • Iphone 6 released

    Iphone 6 released
  • Dylann left Virginia to move to Oregon

  • I started school at Philomath

    I started school at Philomath