Mi nacimiento
I was born in the year two thousand one, I'm from Puerto Boyaca, my mother's name is Maritza Rodriguez, and my father's name is Raul Luna, I have a sister named Yuri Luna, and my brother Raul Luna -
Mi infancia
Since I was little I have been very extroverted, cheerful, bipolar.
As I grew up I liked to go to school, to share with my family.
I also liked to play with my friends, with my dolls, go out to skate and spend time with them -
Mi juventud
I finished my elementary school at the Jose Joaquin Ortiz Institution, and my Bachelor Degree at the Jose Antonio Galan Institution.
In my qunce years more parents organized a party, where I shared with my family, and friends.
as time went by, many people liked and thought changed.
I like the details, comda, dance, share with more loved ones and more friends, go out. -
my youth
After finishing my baccalaureate, I was given the opportunity to study in the sena, which I study Business Management, and this year I finish the le ...
In my short life where I am already of legal age I have many aspiations as a woman and a person.