My life

  • my birth

    my birth
    It was in the early morning of September 21, 2008, making my parents happy for being their second and last daughter.
  • games

    When my cousin and I played at being Indians and my mom tied a golden ribbon for us in the hair.
  • my 5th birthday

    my 5th birthday
    My 5th birthday was very special for me, because I celebrated it with my friends and loved ones.
  • Family trip

    Family trip
    When I went for a walk with all my family and I felt very happy to meet all my cousins.
  • food with my family

    food with my family
    when we went to eat as a family for a celebration.
  • my sister's first communion

    my sister's first communion
    My sister's first communion was a very happy day for her and for me too, because I liked to see her happy.
  • my 5th grade graduation

    my 5th grade graduation
    It was a very happy day, because I graduated being one of the best students
  • my 13th birthday

    my 13th birthday
    Although we were in a pandemic, I was able to enjoy my birthday with my friends and family.
  • my sister's 11th grade graduation

    my sister's 11th grade graduation
    It was quite a fun and exciting day, I was very proud of my sister, for being one of the best students in her grade.
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    I felt very excited that day and happy, my dad, mom and sister accompanied me and were there with me.
  • I now

    I now
    I live a happy life with my familia And soon I will be 15 years old.