My life  socer

My Life

  • My birth

    My birth
    It was my firdt day on Earth I was finally born.
  • My Brother is born

    My Brother is born
    My little brother was born. His name is Brian.
  • My Sister is Born

    My Sister is Born
    My sister was born. She is fun. Her name is Ginevra but we call her Gini.
  • Trip To Mexico

    Trip To Mexico
    I went to Mexico to visit my family. It was very fun and I enjoyed it! It was a very fun time. I hope I come back.
  • First introduced soccer

    First introduced soccer
    It was my first time playing and I have to admit, I was no good at it. Now, soccer is a part of me; my life.
  • Trip to Houston!

    Trip to Houston!
    I was in an advanced math class in my elementary school. Only in our class, we could go. So I accepted. It was a three day trip but it was still very fun. We went to the NASA space center!!
  • Trip To Costa Rica

    Trip To Costa Rica
    We went 10 days to an incredible place. Costa Rica had plenty of beautiful animals and views. It wasone of the greatest experiences!!
  • First championship!!

    First championship!!
    It was my first championship I had evre won! I was so proud of myself. After that, we've won three other concecutive championships in two different leagues.
  • Got sponsored by Adidas!!

    Got sponsored by Adidas!!
    I got an incredible chance to do something great with soccer! I accepted and now, I'm being sponsored by Adidas! It's great and I'm extremly happy!
  • FIrst day of middle school

    FIrst day of middle school
    I have to admit, I was very nervous at that time. Middle school was very different but I enjoyed it. It wasn't that bad.