my life
in my first month I was a cute baby.
It was the first photo of mi life for that reason I love it. -
my childhood
In my second month of born I was very big.
I was the darling in my house because I was the granddaughter and daughter in the family. -
in my third month
In my third month a girl with many toys.
I was a girl very beautiful and fat and very loose. -
one year old
In my first year old I got my party with my friends.
that party was very nice because I was with my family. -
two years old
In my second year old I was very big and eaten much.
My family was very happy by my existence. -
three years old
In my third year old I was a girl very intelligent.
I was my homeworks alone in my house. -
four years old
In this photo is my birthday number four.
here I am with my friends. -
five years old
here in this photo I am with my father.
Is the best father of world.
he is my life. -
six years old
In my birthday number six my pastry was very delicious.
My family was very happy by my birthday. -
seven years old
This party I was at the school.
I was with my friends and my teacher. -
eight years old
In this photo I was very beautiful.
I was very happy with my clothing. -
nine years old
In my birthday number nine I was in my own house.
Here I was with new neighbor. -
ten years old
In this photo I am with my brother.
My brother is very special, he is the small in the family. -
eleven years old
This is my communion in the church.
Was a great day. -
twelve years old
This is my confirmation.
In this photo I was with all my family. -
thirteen years old
That day I was with my friends
I was very well with they. -
fourteen years old
In this photo I was in the birthday of my grandfather.
The birthday number sixty three of my grandfather. -
fifteen years old
My birthday number fifteen the best birthday in all my life.
That day I was with all my friends and all my family, that day I was very happy. -
mi familia