My Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on June 7th 2002. I was born in Mount Sinai hospital. When I was born I wieghed 9 lbs 10 onces. My Mom said that " When the nurses had to go and wash me they put me besied a 5 lbs baby and it was a huge difference.
  • My Brother was Born

    My Brother was Born
    I went to see my brother one hour after he was born in the same hospital I was born in.
  • My First Day of School

    My First Day of School
    I started school in JK in 7th street public school.
  • My First Proper Bike

    My First Proper Bike
    My first bike was red with a bell. It had little black spiders painted on to it. I was very happy that Santa brought it to me.
  • When I moved to Ireland

    When I moved to Ireland
    At the start when I first heard I was moving to Ireland I was DEVISTATED, but when we got there I got used to it. After all half of my family lives there so I was quite happy about that
  • My First Fish

    My First Fish
    I got my first fish at Christmas. His name was Speedy. I called him that because every time I put in food he would always come speeding to the top.
  • When I Was Chosen for My City Soccer Rep team

    When I Was Chosen for My City Soccer Rep team
    My first soccer team was called Malahide United. we It was the first ever rep team I had played on. We wore a red and black striped jersey.
  • My First Music concert

    My First Music concert
    My parents bought me and my brother tickets to go to our first music concert. This was in Ireland in The O2 arena and it was the X-Factor tour.
  • When I moved back to Canada

    When I moved back to Canada
    After living in Ireland for three years I finaly moved back to Canada.
  • My Autnie Joanne's Wedding

    My Autnie Joanne's Wedding
    My Aunt Joanee married my Uncle Andrew in Ireland. The whole family went to Dublin for the big event.
  • Doing Gangum Style With Psy

    Doing Gangum Style With Psy
    I was invited with my family to proform with Psy doing gangum in the rogers center at the half time show for the Bills vs Seahalks game