My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
  • My Aunt and Uncled passed away in a car accident.

    My Aunt and Uncled passed away in a car accident.
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
  • Started school.

    Started school.
  • I broke my elbow and needed reconstructive surgery.

    I broke my elbow and needed reconstructive surgery.
  • Went to my first drag

    Went to my first drag
  • Won my first BMX race.

    Won my first BMX race.
  • Got my first dirtbike

    Got my first dirtbike
  • Broke both colorbones, broke my ankle, broke my wrist and hyperextended my Knee in a bad dirtbike accident.

    Broke both colorbones, broke my ankle, broke my wrist and hyperextended my Knee in a bad dirtbike accident.
  • Got my first phone

    Got my first phone
  • Went on my first cruise.

    Went on my first cruise.
  • Went jet skiing

    Went jet skiing
  • Bought my first car from my dad

    Bought my first car from my dad
  • Got my permit

    Got my permit
  • Went to the renaissance festival

    Went to the renaissance festival