My Life

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born on January 23, 1998 in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. My Parents are Sheila and Ted Bundus.
  • First Steps

    First Steps
    My first steps where in my mothers buisness (gym where rexal now is.) I was waliking around 4 months with help and even on the tredmill. My first true steps were towards my moms most dedicated customer.
  • Mexico

    I went to Mexico with my family for my Auntie's wedding. I was lucky enough to be her flower girl. I remember the hot sun and having a parrot rest on my shoulder.
  • Moved to Montgomery Street

    Moved to Montgomery Street
    Moved from Athabasca to Montgomery. This was my favourite house with an amazing playground in the back. I find the street name ironic because it is my bestfriends last name.
  • First Year at School- Palliser

    First Year at School- Palliser
    My First day at school I walked with my mother and my sister, I was nervous but after the first hour I was having a blast. I attended Palliser from Kindergarden to grade 1
  • Grade 2 switch to Westmount

    Grade 2 switch to Westmount
    Since my mother is a bus driver to Westmount she thought it would be easier for me to go there instead.
  • Twirl girl to Hockey !

    Twirl girl to Hockey !
    I was a very skilled figure skater but my parents put me on the ice with hockey skates. I wasn't happy at the time but now it was probably one of the best dicisions ever made.
  • Ski Trip Gone Wrong

    Ski Trip Gone Wrong
    Went Skiing in the mountains, the chair lift was to big for me and hit me in the back. Somehow I was still on but I was hanging by one hand, I almost fell 100ft into pine trees.
  • Broken Ankle

    Broken Ankle
    Was playing street hockey with a bunch of my friends, it ended up in a game of tag. As I was being chased my friend tripped and took me down with him. The next morning I was in for surgery, 6 weeks later another one.
  • Student of the Class Award 2010

    Student of the Class Award 2010
    It was my first true acedemic award. From that day after I knew I always wanted to do my best, and be the best.
  • Surgery #3

    Surgery #3
    My ankle never healed so I had to go to Saskatoon for a 6 hour surgery, along with three days in the hospital.
  • Grade 8 Camp Trip

    Grade 8 Camp Trip
    Went to Dallas Valley and had a blast some of my best/last memories of grade 8.
  • Valedictorian

    Grade 8 grad I was the valedictorian along with my friend Shaye, we both won the school's best student(s).
  • Highschool

    Highschool! Finally! I attend Peacock and am loving grade 9.