My Birthdate/Birthplace
Period: to
Pre-School at RSD
Parents telling me bedtime story about adopt
Period: to
At School number 1
Join soccer at 8 years old
Airplane attacks
Adopted dog Casper
Curious more about birth-family, parents cover up story
Got first Allowance
went to France 2 weeks
No more babysitting for me
Tweleve Corners Middle School
First Cellphone
Try-Out for TCMS cheerleading team but failed
went to Techgirlz Camp at RIT
Moved to RSD
Best friend David Vanzile
Danica's Graduated
First time Volleyball and LOVED IT
Met a girl who I thought she's a boy
Isola Bella Camp first time
Letter from birth-family
Found birth-family
Met Birth-family in Florida
Dog Casper died