
My life

By 1yiken
  • sister's birthday

    sister's birthday
  • Kevin's birthday (friend's birthday)

    Kevin's birthday (friend's birthday)
  • my birthday (born in korea)

    my birthday (born in korea)
  • the start of a new millienium

    the start of a new millienium
  • brother's birthday

    brother's birthday
    augh! another sibling!
  • I moved to Canada from Korea

    I moved to Canada from Korea
  • I went to joshua creek

    I went to joshua creek
    This school is scary
  • I came to wh morden

    I came to wh morden
    I like this school
  • I became a double diget

    I became a double diget
    This calls for a celibration
  • day I got ps3

    day I got ps3
    I love this thing
  • lightning thief comes out

    lightning thief comes out
  • aidan's birthday party

     aidan's birthday party