One month old
In this photo I am one month old. The clothing I am wearing was a gift from my godmother Sara Navarro. -
This photo portrays my beginnings in baseball when I was four years old. The uniform is important to me because it was a custom made gift from my grandfather. -
First day of school
This is me getting ready for my first day of school. The first school I attended was Cambu in Vega Alta. -
Sixt Grade
Have I am graduating from 6th grade when I became 10 years old of age and a new stage of life began for me. Going to Junior Varsity became a nrw experience which I was able to go through with honors. -
Night Grade
This was my first Prom night, which became a great day for me in which I was able to share unforgettable moments with my longtime friends. -
Surprise Birthday
Here is an invitation to my fifteen years surprise party. This was organized secretly by my family. It was a great day to see people which I had not seen for a long time. -
My senior graduation
This was my graduation from high school which became a big step in my life. Now, going to the university has been a great experience for my growing steps. -
My girlfriend
In this picture I enjoing with my girlfriend in my Senior Prom. The Prom was in the Pedro Rosello Center and De la Guetto was the special artist. -
Senior Prom
Here I am with my closert friends in a last reunion before going our separate ways. I miss them a lot and wish them the best