I was born at 4:30 P.M. in San Antonio TX.I am the first of three children my parents have. -
Great-Grandmother gets a birthday present
I was born on my Babba's (the nick name for my great-grandmother) 70th birthday. She was there for my birth.What a great present to get, a great-granddaughter -
Period: to
My life timeline
Tori is born
My sister Tori is born in San antonio TX. She is younger than me by three years but older than my brother by eight days. -
My brother was born in Kazakhstan
Eventhough he ws not born in the US and adopted we clebrate his birthday. His birthday is an estimation because we do not have an exact date. -
Going to Kasakastan
My parents travles to Kasakastan to adopt my brother. Hwas born on Janurary 22, 1999. He was adopted at 22 months old. -
Move to Arizona
My family adn i moved to Arizona from Chicago. It was -
I start kindergarten at San Cyotano Elementary School in Arizona. It was my first time going to school by my self and riding a bus. -
First Grade
I started first grade thirty minuets from my house at a Continental Elementary School. I went there till fifth grade. -
Visiting the Grand Canyon
Visiting the Grand Canyon was fun. We visited both sides, It was especially beautiful during a lightening storm. -
Two kittens for Thanksgiving
We went to our grandparents house in Oregon for thanksgiving. While there we took home two kittens, named Shadow and Luna. Our other cat did not like that -
Move to New Hampshire
My family and I move to Lebanon, NH from Arizona." Where is Lebanon or New Hampshire", I thought at the end of fifth grade. -
Start High School
Starting high school was very different than juinor high. It was bigger and had a lot more students to croud the hallways. -
16th Birthday
I will be turning 16 andbe ably to drive. Isn't that exciting! -
Junior year in spain
I plan to spend my Junior year in Spain as an exchange student. I will still graduate with my class. -
I will be part of the graduating class of 2014. What a momentious moment!