Me and anne

My Life

  • Birth

    This is the day I was born!
  • My first animal

    This was the day I got my cat! It is 15 now and still lives with me today!
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    I got my first dog, Rocky. We still have him today and he will be 10 this Februrary!
  • Driver's License

    Got my driver's license! Woohoo!
  • First Job

    The year that I got my first job at my local recreation department.
  • High School Graduation

    This is the day I graduated high school.
  • Broken Ankle

    This is the day I broke my first bone. I now have a plate and 10 screws permanently in my ankle holding it together.
  • Start of College

    This is the first day of college. A new step in life.
  • Period: to

    First House

    Rented my first house with 5 guys who turned out to become my best friends. We lived there for 3 years!