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My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Lebanon and have lived here in the same house ever since I was born.
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    She was born at the same hostipal as me
  • Rode horse for the 1st time

    Rode horse for the 1st time
    Her name was misty. She was a palomino.
  • Bought our first dog

    Bought our first dog
    his name was Sammy, he was an alaskan malamute.
  • Rode in my 1st horse show

    Rode in my 1st horse show
    I rode Misty (first horse i ever rode) and got 1st place with a ribbon
  • Kindergarten

    I went to Mt. Leb school from kindergarten to 3rd grade.
  • I got my very own cat

    I got my very own cat
    Otis, Mancoon
  • Got my xbox 360

    Got my xbox 360
    I LOVE IT!!!!
  • Rode in my first limo

    Rode in my first limo
    It was the coolest car i had ever seen!
  • Got our Second Dog

    Got our Second Dog
    Mocha, chocolate lab
  • Became teenager

    Became teenager
    Becoming a teen is a fun thing!
  • We got our 3rd dog

    We got our 3rd dog
    Jack, Poodle Terrier (real picture of him)
  • Got my ver ownbird

    Got my ver ownbird
    Pip, Cockateil
  • Highschool

    I finally joined highschool as a freshman
  • Got my Japanese Fighting Fish

    Got my Japanese  Fighting Fish
    Hurricane, Blue