
My Life

  • I was born

    I was born in Sioux City, Iowa. Mercy Hospital.
  • Period: to

    My life

  • My 1st Birthday

    My first Birthday, I got a party and introduced me to new people.
  • My Twin Sisters

    My twin sisters were born Ivonne and Edith.
  • My 2nd birthday

    Another birthday party introduced me to more people.
  • My first trip

    The first vaction in my whole life going to Mexico.
  • My brother

    My brother was born, Eric.
  • My 3rd Birthday

    More Parties. More People.
  • My 1st Accident

    I was going to Mexico, and we stopped at a hotel. I thought i was pretty cool so i jumped into the pool, and almost drowned.
  • My 5th Birthday

    My last Birthday to have a party for a while.
  • First Day of School

    I became more responsible somewhat, more independent, and of course more social. Still pretty shy, but social enoough to make friends.
  • My Baby Brother

    MY youngest brother was born Edgar Munoz, the only birth i actually have a good recollection of.
  • My 2nd Accident

    5th grade while playing football, i hit a wall and cut my head to the point that i was bledding rapidly and needing staples.
  • My baby brother's accident

    My younger brother got hit by a car, not so serious. I got more careful for sure.
  • First Day of Middle School

    I was scared of a bigger school. So i became pretty shy.
  • Soccer

    I started playing soccer daily instead of just a couple times.
  • Award for Cinco De Mayo

    I was awarded for being the supposedly best hispanic student at North Middle. It made more confident academic wise, it showed my true potential. and I got somewhat of an approval from my dad.
  • First day of High School

    We got older, but change high school.
  • Mexico

    The best year in mexico, parties, parties, parties. oh and family and stuff.
  • My 15th Birthday

    The last birthday party in mexico.
  • My Puppy

    I got my dog Eros! :D
  • My puppy's accident

    Eros, ran outsilde and broke his leg somehow. This made me more careful with my surroundings and more of aware of them.