Period: to
My life
I am born on July 25 1999. We had a video from when I was a baby. We lost the video but the only thing I remember from the video was my brother skipping down the hallway and singing "I have a little brother." He was doing that for most of the video. -
I wasn't even one years old when I got my baptism. I was baptise by my Zia Anna (aunt) and my Uncle Thor. -
Brother tries to kill me
I was driving in my brother was driving me around with his little jeep and my dad was working out my brother was trying to go under the heavy bag and i got my head stuck against it and he still tried to get under it and at the end my dad saved me. -
First snow ball fight and facewash
I was three years old when i got my first snow ball fight and facewash. My brother, mom and I were having a war until my mom went up behind me and rubbed snow on my face and that was the end of the snowball fight -
First time on a plane
The first time I was on a plane was when I was three years old. We were going to visit family in Vancouver. I was super ecxited for finally go on a plane. I was with my mom, dad and my brother. -
First soccer season
I was four years old when i played my first soccer season. I was the goon on the team. if we were losing badly I would hit the other players. At least I had fun -
In kindergarten I was five years old and I was super ecxited. I went to Bairdmore school which went from Kindergarten to grade 6. I wasn't really much of a trouble maker like I was with playing soccer. It was a real mile stone to get to kindergarten -
First Harley Davidson leather jacket
I had a Harley Davidson jacket that I loved I wore it almost any time I had. I got it in kindergarten but I finally grew out of it. It was a really cool jacket -
First and only wedding party
The first time I was in a wedding party I was a ring bear. It was for my aunt and uncles wedding. I got to wear a suit with my hair jelled back. I looked pretty slick. -
First time my brother played Santa Clause at nonna's house
When my brother played Santa Clause I knew it was him. I looked right at him me and my cousin had a plan, Attack. me and my cousin went for the head, we pulled him down lift up his shirt and we gave him the biggest weggie ever. -
Grade 1 new school
In grade one I had a new school. In the first week of school I gave a kid a bleeding nose and I punched three kids in the stomach. After that week I already almost got kicked out so I was the little good boy (sometimes) for the rest of the year. -
moved from Fort Richmond to Linden Ridge
I moved from Richmond West to Linden Ridge. When we got in the house at night all I can remember is watching Shrek 2. My house in Linden Ridge is much closer to the new school then my house in Richmond West. -
Trip to Calgary(Edmonton and Banff too)
We went to Calgary originaly for a wedding. We wanted to have fun too. We went to the West Edmonton Mall. We went back to Calgary then left to Banff. We were in a cabin. We went to Lake Louis and we hiked up a mountain. -
First year playing soccer for Whyte Ridge
The first year I played soccer for Whyte Ridge was a fun year. I met new friends but on one game my team was losing badly. I wanted to make a comeback for my team because I thought I was very good. My teammate took the ball from so I punched him in the face. -
Lost first tooth
I was seven years old when I lost my first tooth. It was painful. My brother wanted to put a string on a door handle get me to stand on the other side and slam it. We didn't do that instead my dad pulled my tooth out. -
First cummunion
I was seven years old when I had my first communion.To have my first communion I had to memorize all of my prayers that was like ten. -
Went to disney world
The first and only time I went to Disney World I was eight years old. It was the most fun I ever had. We stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge. -
Rocco dies
I had a dog named Rocco. We had him before I was even born. A few weeks after we went to Disney World he was diagnosed with cancer. A couple weeks later he past away. -
We got Mikee
Mikee is a Minnie American Eskimo. We got him for my brothers birthday. Right now he is four years old. He is also two feet tall. -
Winning gold medal in soccer (b side)
It was my last year in soccer and we were in the championship game. We already played this team and we tied 0-0. Both teams put there effort in and by the end the score was 3-1 for my team. I also mist the seremonies because I had hockeytryouts. -
Winning championchip in christmas tournament
this year my team wasn't the best team. We only won one game in the regular season but now we are in the finals in the christmas tournamentand all the pressure was on us. -
My confirmation
I was twelve almost thirteen when I got my confirmation. It was super fun. We ate ribs and we got to watch the Italy vs. England game. Italy won.