My Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
  • Moved to Chandler

    Moved to Chandler
  • First Hospital Visit

    First Hospital Visit
  • Took First Vacation to Colorado

    Took First Vacation to Colorado
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
  • Brought My Dog Ripley Home

    Brought My Dog Ripley Home
  • Move Into an Apartment in Gilbert

    Move Into an Apartment in Gilbert
  • Got Stitches in My Head

    Got Stitches in My Head
  • Moved Into My House in Gilbert

    Moved Into My House in Gilbert
  • Got Braces

    Got Braces
  • My Niece is Born

    My Niece is Born
  • I Started High School

    I Started High School
  • Took a Trip to Europe

    Took a Trip to Europe
  • Got My First Car

    Got My First Car
  • My Dog Ripley Died

    My Dog Ripley Died
  • Got My First Job

    Got My First Job
  • High School Graduation!

    High School Graduation!