My Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born December 22nd at 7:40 pm in Spokane, WA.
  • Moving

    We moved about six weeks after my sister was born.
  • My Sister is Born

    My Sister is Born
    My sister was born just a little more than two years later.
  • Vacation to Hawaii

    Vacation to Hawaii
    This was probably my favorite vacation so far. My family and i went to Honolulu, HI.
  • I Got Pneumonia and Mono

    I Got Pneumonia and Mono
    In 4th grade I got pneumonia and mono so I missed almost two weeks of school.
  • My Cat Died

    My Cat Died
    My cat Simba was around before I was born so it was really sad when he died a few years ago.
  • My First Concert

    My First Concert
    My first concert was an AC/DC concert at the US Airways Center.
  • Grandma Moves to AZ

    Grandma Moves to AZ
    In the past to visit my grandma we had to fly up to Washington to see her and a lot of my other family so I am happy she has moved down here to be closer to us.
  • Last Day of Elementary School

    Last Day of Elementary School
    This was the last day of elementary school. I went to Neely Elementary.
  • First Day of Junior High

    First Day of Junior High
    I went to South Valley Junior High.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    This was the first day of high school which was less than three months ago.
  • Learner's Permit

    Learner's Permit
    I will be old enough on the 22nd to get my learner's permit.
  • 16th Birthday

    16th Birthday
    Hopefully I will get a car for my sixteenth birthday!
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduate in 2016.
  • 21st Birthday

    21st Birthday
    My twenty-birthday is in 2018.