Snapshot 20120817 4

My Life :)

  • The First Spongebob Sqarepants Episode Aired

    The First Spongebob Sqarepants Episode Aired
    The very first episode of Spongebob Squarepants was aired on Nickelodeon Channel.
  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    The day I was born!! 10-02-99
    (Picture is me at 3 months)
  • 9/11

    (Picture) The north face of Two World Trade Center (south tower) immediately after being struck by United Airlines Flight 175
  • Started Preschool

    Started Preschool
    I started pre-school. I don't know exactly what day it was, though.
  • My Little Bro. is Born

    My Little Bro. is Born
    07-22-04 My little brother Ethan James Smith is born.
    (Picture: I'm holding him)
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
    I started kindergarten at WBE. I got Mrs. Talcott. She was amazing. I learned a lot!!
  • Got Arm Surgery

    Got Arm Surgery
    I got surgery on my upper right arm. I had a bad spot in my bone and they had to drill it out. I didn't have my arm in a sling, just in a stretchy cast that I strapped to my body.
  • 2008 Summer Olympics

    2008 Summer Olympics
    The 2008 Summer Olympics took place in Beijing, China.
  • Took Vacation in Florida

    Took Vacation in Florida
    Me and my family took a vacay to Clearwater Beach, Florida for a week.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    The Haiti earthquake was devastating. Many were killed or injured.
  • Water Skiied!

    Water Skiied!
    This date was when the picture was taken, but I believe I began skiing in about 2009.
  • Made an Igloo

    Made an Igloo
    During the big snowstorm in 2011, me and my brother made an igloo out of snow that both of us could fit into!
  • Buddy Died

    Buddy Died
    My dog, Buddy, passed away late at night. He was the best dog ever!! :'(
  • English Royal Wedding

    English Royal Wedding
    Kate Middleton marries Prince William at Westminister Abbey in London.
  • Adopted Puppies!

    Adopted Puppies!
    Around this day, we adopted Abbie and Gracie, pugs.
  • Performed at Talent Show

    Performed at Talent Show
    I sang You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift at the fifth grade talent show with my bestie Carlie Baldus! :)
  • Started Middle School

    Started Middle School
    On this day, I started middle school at MRMS and really loved it. :)