my life

By elvin21
  • when i was born

    when i was born
    when i was born i was a fat baby
  • 911

    when 911 happen i was at my friends house eating and playing around.
  • when i broke my arm

    when i broke my arm
    when i broke my i jumped out of a car going 40 mph.
  • first kiss

    first kiss
    i got my first kiss from my best friends sister
  • when i first started driving

    when i first started driving
    when i frirst started driving i was only 12 years old too
  • my first girlfriend

    my first girlfriend
    my first girlfriend was my best friends too.
  • when i first got drunk

    when i first got drunk
    when i got drunk iwas at my friends house and i wanted to try because it looked fun to do.
  • when i got high

    when i got high
    when i first got i was only 12 years old and it was a good feel too
  • my baby sister

    my baby sister
    when my baby sister was born she was my the pretties baby i ever saw.
  • end of my life story

    end of my life story
    it was fun telling bout my life story