My Life!!!!!

  • I Was Born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Capricorn Nation

    I was born at HCMC. At 3:39 A.M. My mom was in labor with me for 4 hours. That's sad.
  • Fell In Love With B-ball

  • Turned 1

  • Headstart

  • Had Surgery

    I had to get my tonsils out. I had to get that done because I snored to much. My throat hurted badly. I was crying a lot.
  • K-5

  • Met some good people in kindergarten

  • Started playing b-ball a lot

  • Moved out of my fav house

  • Moved to the lows

  • Had my first sibiling :(

    I lve my little brother. He is so irriating though. I love him with all my heart. He was so hairy when he was a baby.
  • Had another sibiling

  • Met my big brother

  • Had a little sister

  • Met my little brother

  • Got hit with a water gun. Moon on my face

    We had a big water fight. The whole neighborhood My cousin threw water on my face. I couldn't see and I ran into a water gun. It hurted
  • Met some good people

  • Had another sibiling. My thug life

  • Met Billy Denise etc.

  • Turned 14

  • Had a good basketball season

  • Did the splits :( Lmbo

  • Still alive :)

    I'm still alive. I'm loving it too. I got good friends and family. I love them so much :).