
My life

By DV3104
  • My Birthdate

    My Birthdate
    It was the first day I was alive. I was born on November 8, 1997 in Souix Falls South Dakota. My parents are Kip and Christy. I wieghed 8 pounds and 7 ounces.
  • Parents divorced

    Parents divorced
    My parents divorced when i was 6months old. I didnt even know my dad. But now I do
  • 1st birthday

    1st birthday
    i turned one year old on this date. And i got cake all over.
  • I met my dad

    I met my dad
    I met my dad for the first time. I was scared to stay with him. I barley knew him
  • Moved to my own house with my mom

    Moved to my own house with my mom
    I moved from my grandma's house. And all that we had in the house was me my mom and my cat
  • First time in trouble, in school

    First time in trouble, in school
    I punched a kid. And i swore to my teacher in kindergarten. I was bad when i was young
  • Great Grandpa Died

    Great Grandpa Died
    My grandpa's dad died. I was sad. And this was a while ago
  • moved to Virginia

    moved to Virginia
    We moved with my aunt for awhile. Then my mom got married :/
  • Baby Brother was born

    Baby Brother was born
    My little brother Matthew was born. He's a real pain. And he is 4 now
  • My first Dog died

    My first Dog died
    She was 16 years old . She was a rat terrier.
  • Broken arm

    Broken arm
    I was skating one summer with my brother, and i tried to do a risky trick on a ramp. Then i turned it wrong so that made me land wrong.
  • I moved to South Dakota

    I moved to South Dakota
    Moved in the middle of Bridgewater, Salem and Spencer. So i decided to go to Salem and see what it was like.
  • Computer Class

    Computer Class
    Today is the first day of 8B computers