My Birthday
I was born on 4/3/1998. I was born in Chicago Illinois. I was the second born. I was born In the Mcook Hospital -
Cody was born
My little brother was born. He was born on December,19th, 2000.
He was born in South Dakota. -
I moved from Chicago
I moved from Chicago to South Dakota. It took 2 weeks to move. I hated it and I didn't want to move. -
I got my horse
I got my horse. I named him Justin. He is now 4 years old -
I moved to Salem SD
I moved to Salem SD. I moved from emery SD. I started school here the next year. -
Computer class
Today is the first day of computers for 8B. -
I got my dog
I got my dog. He was just a puppy when I got him. He is a Rottweiler. -
My Birthday
It is going to be my birthday. On April 3rd I was born. I will be 14.