• My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I am Born
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • My Brother is Born

    My Brother is Born
    My Brother is Born
  • My Sister is Born

    My Sister is Born
    My Sister is Born
  • 9/11

    Two Planes crash into the world trade center
  • Start Kindergarden

    Start Kindergarden
    I Start Kindergarten
  • We move!

    We move!
    This is the second of 3 houses I've lived in
  • I start to like Basketball

    I start to like Basketball
    My Uncle got me Started
  • My Aunt and Uncle Get married

    My Aunt and Uncle Get married
    This is my Uncle Jony and Unti Lina
  • My Grandpa Dies

    My Grandpa Dies
    We were very close
  • My Grandma comes to live with us

    My Grandma comes to live with us
    Because my Grandpa died
  • Obama becomes President

    Obama becomes President
    I wanted Mccain to win
  • I make my Jr. High Basketball Team

    I make my Jr. High Basketball Team
    We never won a game:(
  • I become an NBA Fan

    I become an NBA Fan
    I love the NBA now
  • Earn Straight A's in 6th Grade

    Earn Straight A's in 6th Grade
    I really didn't work that hard! Back when school was easy
  • My Grandma Marry Dies

    My Grandma Marry Dies
    She used to babysitt me alot when I was little
  • Start Jr. High

    Start Jr. High
    I start Jr. High
  • Lakers win 2010 NBA Championship vs Celtics

    Lakers win 2010 NBA Championship vs Celtics
    I am a huge Laker Fan!
  • We move to our new house

    We move to our new house
    I love this house
  • Start High School

    Start High School
    I start high school
  • I get a job as a tutor

    I get a job as a tutor
    At La Sierra University Church
  • Make High School JV Basketball Team

    Make High School JV Basketball Team
    I love basketball
  • I win my first basketball game

    I win my first basketball game
    We beat CSDR
  • My Courin Greta is Born

    My Courin Greta is Born
    Her full name is Greta Angelina Gerriguis
  • I get a 3.7 GPA for first semester of Freshmen Year

    I get a 3.7 GPA for first semester of Freshmen Year
    I'm on track for that Honors Diploma!
  • My Basketball Season ends

    My Basketball Season ends
    We went 2-9