
my life

  • my birth day

    my birth day
    My birthday was on Saturday at 11:30 am
  • my first two months

    my first two months
    me the happiness of my parents.
  • my four months

    my  four months
    I was very happy:.
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    grateful to my parents for having had.
  • my first years.

    my first years.
    in B/MANGA city
  • halloween

    halloween withs my brothers.
  • my First Communion

    my First Communion
    first communion was in Rionegro santander with my brother .. I was a happy day for my family.
  • my prom

    my prom
    the best prom I had the gimnasio del saber
  • My grade

    My grade
  • Christmas

    happier month for all families in the world.