My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on February 23, 1997. That is the same day of my grandparents anniversary! I was born in a Kaiser hospital in Vallejo, California!
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • First Move

    First Move
    My first move was when I was 8 months old. I moved to my grandparents house. We lived there for 8 months.
  • 1st Birthday :)

    1st Birthday :)
    On my first birthday I didnt know what it was about. I tried to throw the cake on the floor so my grandma put her plate under my cake so it didnt fall. I got cake all over me.
  • First Day Of Pre-School

    First Day Of Pre-School
    I started Preschool :) I liked my preschool because we got nap time a lot. I always liked playing on the jungle-gym. I loved the slide.
  • First Hair Cut

    First Hair Cut
    My first hair cut was right before kindergarten. My mom was on the computer and I was bored so I grabbed some scissors and just started cutting. I had really short hair for a really long time!
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    On the first day of kindergarten I had really short hair. I literally looked like a boy.
  • Got My Ears Pierced

    Got My Ears Pierced
    I got my first ear piercing. I got them at Daniel's Jewelers.
  • Daddy Came Home :)

    Daddy Came Home :)
    In 2006 my Daddy went to Cost Rica with The Coast Guard. I was in 2nd grade. I missed him a lot. I was really happy when he got back. :)
  • I go to Sacramento

    I go to Sacramento
    I went to Sacremento in 4th grade. Christine and I were in a group. We got stalked by a HOBO!!!!!!!!! o.O
  • I went to Hungary!!!!

    I went to Hungary!!!!
    I went to Hungary for the first time! I loved it becasue thats where my grandparents grew up and lived.
  • Astro Camp :)

    Astro Camp :)
    I liked Astro Camp beause it was my first real trip without my family! I learned a lot about space. It was a lot of fun!
  • Harley :(

    Harley :(
    When I was in 5th grade, my dog Harley died. He was a Chow, Lab, mix.. He lived to be 18 which is about 88 years in dog years. We got him from the pound when he was 6 months. He was orangish brown and he was the best dog I've ever had.
  • Outdoor School :)

    Outdoor School :)
    Outdoor School! I loved outdoor school! It was so much fun! We learned about the stars and all that stuff.
  • 7th Grade Banquet

    7th Grade Banquet
    My 7th grade banquet was my first banquet. It was a lot of fun. We sang and had fun.
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    I got my first phone! My first phone was a red LG phone from AT&T. I liked it but the screen stopped working :(
  • I went to Catalina

    I went to Catalina
    I wernt to Catalina in 7th grade! It was a lot of fun! But the weather wasnt good.
  • First Trip To Havasu!

    First Trip To Havasu!
    In 2010 I went to Lake Havasu, Arizona for the first time! I went with my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and cousin. We went boating a lot and it was a lot of fun!
  • 8th Grade Banquet

    8th Grade Banquet
    This was my 2nd banquet. It wasnt as much fun because I knew kind of what to expect. But it still was fun.
  • First Time At Disneyland

    First Time At Disneyland
    I went to Disneyland for my 14th bithrday. I went with my aunt, cousin, and my aunt's friend.
  • I go to D.C.

    I go to D.C.
    We went to D.C. in 8th grade! It was a lot of fun!
  • 8th Grade Award Ceremony

    8th Grade Award Ceremony
    The award banquet! This was realy cool because it was one of the ast times we got to gather as an 8th grade family.
  • Graduated Junior High

    Graduated Junior High
    Gradutated Junior High :)
    I had okay grades. I graduated with a 3.2 :)
  • 1st Laptop

    1st Laptop
    When we went to Lake Havasu, Arizona we went to a few pawn shops just to check them out. We went to one (our favorite now) and were loking around when I saw a computer. My brother, Robert, saw it too. So he asked about it and liked what he heard, he liked the price too. It is my first laptop :) the HP Pavilion DV6
  • First time at Knott's Scary Farm

    First time at Knott's Scary Farm
    I went to Knott's Scary Farm with my dad, aunt, brother, brother's girlfriend, and their friend. I was so scared, I hung on my aunt and my dad.l
  • Finished Timeline ;)

    Finished Timeline ;)
    On the 8th of February 2012 I finished my timeline! I worked on it for a week. I really put a lot of thought into it. :)