My Life

  • Nicole was born

    Nicole was born
    I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1994.
  • First plane ride

    First plane ride
    I took my first plane ride when I was 8 months old.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
  • Visited Hollywood

    Visited Hollywood
  • Visited Las Vegas

    Visited Las Vegas
  • Performed in Emperor's New Clothes

    Performed in Emperor's New Clothes
    I got my first lead in the school show 12 Angry Jurors
  • Visited New York

    Visited New York
  • First Day at Rensselaer Polytechnic

    First Day at Rensselaer Polytechnic
  • Visited London

    Visited London
  • First Day in House in New York

    First Day in House in New York