My LIfe

  • I am born

    I am born
    Wow! What a great Christmas present for my parents! Baby number 5 weighing in at a hefty 9.9 oz! Was life down hill from there?
  • I start my academic career

    I start my academic career
    What an auspicious beginning. I had my best new jumper and two new pencils. I was ready to get started on making butter from scratch, Christmas parties and learning!
  • A detour in my academic career

    A detour in my academic career
    Within four short months, the teacher and my mother decided that I might need a bit more time before I was ready for the trials of butter making, Christmas parties and learning. I was withdrawn from kindergarten.
  • Restarting my academic career

    Restarting my academic career
    Undaunted by my previous setback, I rematriculated into kindergarten and never looked back. It was 12 years of being the teacher's pet for me!