My last birthday

  • Place of birth.

    My name is Oscar García San Martín, I was born on March 21, 1982, in the city of Poza Rica, Veracruz.
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    High School

    My parents are Sofia and Juan, I studied primary school at the Ignacio Zaragoza school.
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    Preparatory School

    study high school at the telebaccalaureate km. 47, here began the dream of studying a profession.
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    Graduate in Accounting

    I studied a degree in accounting at the University of Veracruz, the dream began.
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    Time to Work.

    Due to lack of opportunities, I worked as a telecommunications installer, which took me to visit several places, including the entire Riviera Maya.
  • First Professional Job

    I begin to practice as an accountant, in this first job they give me the opportunity to continue studying.
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    Law degree.

    I begin to study a law degree, this is where I begin to set medium-term professional goals.
  • Covid 19

    The pandemic arrives in which I contract the virus, fortunately I manage to get out of it to continue fighting for my dreams.
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    2020 - Present Day

    I managed to graduate after the pandemic, and I enrolled in a degree in political science, which I am currently studying, professionally I have been achieving the objectives.