My language learning timeline

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    The 2 of September of 2001 I was born. This day I listen my first word in Spanish. My mother tongue language.
  • Period: to


    In the actually I continue studying Spanish, Catalan and English and I'm searching new languages to learn
  • My first word

    My first word
    With 6 months I say my fisrt word in Spanish. It was "Mama"
  • First months of school

    First months of school
    The first months of school I learned a lot of Spanish and I have my fisrt contact with the Catalan. The catalan was my second language.
  • First contact with English

    First contact with English
    In the 2006 wih 5 years I started to learn English at the school. The first days the language was to difficult to me.
  • Finish of the primary

    Finish of the primary
    This day I celebrated that I started to be an avid reader, speaker and writter in my 3 languages.
  • Camp "Roses Del Vent"

    Camp "Roses Del Vent"
    With 12 years I go to an English camp. I must speak English all the day and in this camp I improve a lot my English
  • Travel to Italy

    Travel to Italy
    In 2013 I travel to Italy with my family to visit the country and also learn a little bit of Italian.
  • English rules established at home

    English rules established at home
    Since this day and during a time I was obligated by my parents to speak in English at home. I only speak the others languages in the school.
  • Tossa de Mar

    Tossa de Mar
    In 2014 I travel to Tossa de Mar with the high school. Here I improve my English because we can only speak English with the monitors.
  • Travel to Portugal

    Travel to Portugal
    I travel to Portugal with my family to visit my grandfather. I stay there for 2 weeks and I try to learn Portuguese.