My Language learnig TimeLine

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on June 26, 2002 in Sabadell
  • First dat at school

    First dat at school
    My first day at school was a September 12th, I went to the Taula Rodona school in Sant Quirze
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    I graduated in June at the taula rodona school, it was a special day because the youngest children at school gave us gifts
  • First day in high school

    First day in high school
    my first day was strange, because I was in a new place and I was lost, that day was the presentation and I was touched by colleagues such as Bernat Benito, who is now my friend
  • First day at elms

    First day at elms
    my first day at elms was a September 20, 2016, they put me in a middle class with other classmates and some other friend of mine