My Language Journey

  • Learning about Costa Rica

    Learning about Costa Rica
    I did a class project about Costa Rica. I fell in love with what I learned about the land and people. I decided that I must learn Spanish and go to Costa Rica!
  • Saludos

    I know three ways to greet someone. I am excited because I can greet students and community members that speak Spanish.
  • Some basic words

    I am learning how to say hello and goodbye, and food and clothing vocabulary. I also know how to say "welcome," "please," and thank you! This means I can be polite when I travel to Spanish-speaking countries!
  • Playing soccer and talking in Spanish

    Playing soccer and talking in Spanish
    i went back to Honduras and saw old friends. I understood some words when others were talking in Spanish! I played soccer and learned how to say pass and talk on the soccer field!
  • Honduras

    I decided to participate in helping make sure a nutrition center in a small town in Honduras is able to stay open. I am visiting with a group from my church to help with the center and meet new friends there!
  • Verbs

    I am learning more vocabulary. I know how to conjugate verbs, but irregular verbs are hard for me! This means I can tell a basic story. I am at an intermediate low level of Spanish. I might be here for a while.
  • House and chores

    I know the vocabulary to talk about where I live and my chores. I made a commercial for a household item. I am not sure if it was perfect, but my teacher understood me.
  • What I like to do and describing myself

    What I like to do and describing myself
    I know how to say basic words about how I am feeling. I can describe what I look like and my personality. I can also talk about my school day and things that I do.
  • Verb conjugation at university

    I learned more advanced verb conjugation in Spanish (instruction) and can better talk and write about events in the past, present, and future.
  • Leadership Exchange

    I used my Spanish to participate in a short term exchange experience at UDLA in Mexico. I participated in a bilingual conversational experience.
  • Studied in Alicante Spain

    Studied in Alicante Spain
    I successfully took courses at the University of Alicante. I can write papers and understand class material in Spanish.
  • Novel and Paper

    Novel and Paper
    I wrote a ten page book response in Spanish after reading a novel in Spanish.
  • New York Spanish Teaching Exam and Begin Teaching

    I took a teaching exam in Spanish and began teaching Spanish.