My language delevopment



    I began school, where I took my first steps in English language.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated from High School, married and went to live at New York City. All my work experiences required me to communicate in English.
  • My son's birth

    My son was born and we began to speak to them in English so they would be bilingual. PS, as part of misconceptions, I was discourage by my husband because he, and I include myself, were unaware of bilingualism.
  • B.A.

    This is when I began my B.A. and was related to English through college classes.
  • Graduation

    I graduated from my Masters degree and was only exposed to English thru movies and books.
  • My daughter college years

    My youngest daughter began College studies and I assisted her with her English assignment.
  • Family matters

    Family matters
    My beloved nephew married a non-Spanish speaker forcing every family member to talk in English so she wouldn’t feel excluded from our conversations.
  • Bilingual workshops

    Bilingual workshops began and so did my English exposure again.