Teaching picture

My Journey to Becoming a Teacher

  • Born to a Couple of Teachers

    Born to a Couple of Teachers
    I was born just 11 months after my brother, the first born. My mom was a teacher and my dad was in the middle of his practicum when I arrived.
  • Started school at Neerlandia Pulbic Christian School (NPCS)

    Started school at Neerlandia Pulbic Christian School (NPCS)
    I started going to school in 2003, kindergarten. Although, my mom home schooled me half time for kindergarten and grade 1.
  • Started Junior High School

    Started Junior High School
    At NPCS, students were considered to be in elementary from kindergarten to grade 6 and considered to be in junior high from grade 7 to grade 8.
  • Started High School at a New School

    Started High School at a New School
    NPCS only went up to grade 9, so we transferred over to Barrhead Composite High School for grade 10-12.
  • Missions Trip

    Missions Trip
    I went on a missions trip to the North West Territories and volunteered at a camp for a portion of my summer.
  • Visited Schools in South Africa

    Visited Schools in South Africa
    The summer before I graduated, I went on a family trip to South Africa. We visited various schools while we were there. It was nice to see what the schools were like in South Africa and how they were different to schools in Canada.
  • Graduated from High School

    Graduated from High School
    I graduated from Barrhead Composite High School in 2015. At this point, I had known what I wanted to do for post secondary. I knew that I wanted to be a teacher
  • Started School at Red Deer College

    Started School at Red Deer College
    I started school at Red Deer College right after I had graduated from high school. I took the summer off and started my first year of college in September of 2015
  • Took my First Practicum at Central Middle School

    Took my First Practicum at Central Middle School
    I went to Central Middle School in Red Deer for my first practicum. This was a learning curve for me and a very interesting experience
  • Summer Before Final Year in Education

    Summer Before Final Year in Education
    I had one of the best summers in my life for experience with working with children and students. I had many opportunities to work with children and to volunteer. I worked at the Barrhead Public Library (for the 3rd summer in a row) and volunteered at my church.
  • Started my Final Year of the Education Program

    Started my Final Year of the Education Program
    I started my final year of college at Red Deer College in the Education program. I am feeling excited to be finished and finally start teaching!
  • Visited my Final Practicum School

    Visited my Final Practicum School
    During my Christmas Break, I visited my practicum, so that I could get a feel for the school and get to know some of the students and the staff.