Rachel Harris's Journey to Nursing

  • Wanted to be a Nurse

    Wanted to be a Nurse
    Always pretended to be a nurse when I played "house" with my best friend.
  • Junior year in high school

    Junior year in high school
    Norco High School - Very much into riding horses and hanging out with "cowboys"
  • First Job

    First Job
    At a western horse store in Norco, Ca.
  • Found out I was pregnant at 17

    Found out I was pregnant at 17
    Quit Job after this.
  • High School Drop Out

    Had to drop out my senior year due to multiple reasons. I always planned on going back to finish.
  • Had a Baby

    Had a Baby
    The care I received with my pregnancy and birth, encouraged me to want to be a nurse even more. I wanted to be better, nicer, empathetic, comforting, and a non judgemental nurse. I knew I had a passionate heart and that God wanted me to put it to good work in the future. :)
  • When I was "supposed" to graduate High School

    Certain people told me I would never finish high school because I chose to keep my baby. All it did was light a fire for me, and make it my ultimate goal to prove them wrong.
  • Commitment to finish high school

    Commitment to finish high school
    I attended adult school to finish where I left off and to earn my diploma. My teacher let me bring my infant son with me when I had to come in and take a test and turn in my work. She made it possible for me.
  • Received High School Diploma

    Received High School Diploma
    GED was not good enough for me. Better late than NEVER !
  • Temporary Job

    Started a Temporary Job at my father's friends woodworking cabinet company in the customer service department making $10.00 per hour.
  • Made Decision for career in Nursing

    I have always dreamed of being a nurse and being able to care for people, meeting others needs.This is something that I have wanted for so long and something that would provide for us. It just is taking me a little longer than others. But thats ok. :)
  • Started LVN School

    Started LVN School
    I enrolled in the two year program (part-time) and was able to go from 6-10 at night and attend clinical on the weekends.
  • First Job as LVN

    Soboba Clinic - First place that hired me as a new Grad, then I got comfortable.
  • Graduated LVN School

    Graduated LVN School
    Made Deans List every semester
  • Back to college-Pre Reqs

    Took a couple classes at a community college to obtain pre reqs for for LVN-RN program.
  • New LVN Job

    Lindora Weight Loss Clinic- its about how much you can sell and nothing about nursing : / lets move on lol ....NEXT
  • Got Engaged !

    Got Engaged !
    Answered Prayers!
  • Got Married !

    Got Married !
    Then Moved in together with my husband which made it way easier to go back to school, with his help
  • Back to Community College

    With help from new husband I was able to take some more classes to work towards my pre reqs while working full time
  • Had another Baby

    Had another Baby
    Birthed my wild, free spirited daughter who kept me on my toes
  • Quit Job-Became stay at home mom

    Job at that time, brought me a lot of stress and tears, made me question if I wanted to go back to school to become a nurse anymore, and thought about changing career paths.
  • Started new Job that changed my future

    Started new Job that changed my future
    I agreed to work one day a week just to help out a friend per diem at a outpatient surgery center just until they can find another nurse. I realized that I could be a nurse and not hate my job, and its possible to love what you do every day. I became full time and still work there today :) I love the Doctors I work for, and all my coworkers. I never not want to go to work :)
  • Back to Community College AGAIN-MSJC

    Back to Community College AGAIN-MSJC
    Made an educational plan with counselor to get me organized and on track to apply to a lvn-rn bridge program with taking 3 classes at a time.

    I was talking to my coworkers explaining the fears I had about not getting in the lvn-rn program at my community college because its so competitive, and voiced I dont know what to do and my pre reqs are almost done. One hour later Christie from UUN walked into my work and dropped off some brochures. My DON immediately ran back to OR and told me that a GODs divine intervention moment happened. In which it sure did !
  • Accepted into LVN-RN Program at UUN

    Accepted into LVN-RN Program at UUN
    Received acceptance letter to be in the FIRST cohort
  • First day of LVN- RN school at UUN

    First day of LVN- RN school at UUN
    Boot camp week- don't miss that :)
  • Started BSN program

    Started BSN program
    3 classes during summer break from ADN program. (I just love school soooooo much apparently)
  • Graduation from RN School!!

    Please can we have a cap and gown for this graduation and pinning for our BSN lol :)
  • Passed NCLEX !

    Praying I pass on the first try !
  • Career as HOMICIDE Nurse, or OR Nurse !

    I absolutely love working in the surgery field, but I have been extremely interested in working in homicide or crime.
  • ....and They Lived Happily Ever After.

    ....and They Lived Happily Ever After.
    THE END.