I was born
I was born it was a magical time for my parents.I was the light of the world for them. -
Giant squid
The first images of a giant squid in its natural habitat are taken 600 miles south of tokyo. -
1st Move Across USA
I move to Colorado. -
Mudslides in CA closedmthe area for 10 days. -
Woman Vote
Kuwait allows women to vote. -
!st Steps
I took my first steps in the Denver Airport when I was 8 1/2 months old. My dad got it on his camera phone -
I spoke my first word
I spoke my first word 'papa'. I was ten months old. -
Engish-language Wikipedia reaches its one millonth article,Jordanhill railway station. -
I was sick
I was sick. My mom said that I might die. I was very sick and was in the hospital in ICU for a week. -
Elect the Kevin Rudd-led cetiter left Australian Labor Party at the federal election. -
I flew to hawaii
I flew to hawaii. I was one at the time it was my first time out of my home. I was happy. -
The massive big dig constuction project in boston Massachusets ends. -
I had my first dieabeaes check
I had my first dieabeaes check. I was sared -
Gates Foundation
Bill Gates steps down as Chairman of Microsoft Corporation. He starts a company that my papa worked with at Cisco. -
Tonsils and Adenads
I was scared. I had my Tonsils and Adenads removed! -
Flying the Friendly Skies
Delta Air Lines joined company with Northwest Airlines. -
Sleep Study
I was scared.It was my first sleep study.I had wires all over my head and body and chest. I looked like a robot. -
Losing $
General Motors goes bankrupt. -
Started school
I started school. It was fun. -
Denmark celebates First National Flag day
Denmark celebates First National Flag day.