I was born
I was born in Brazil in Goiânia-GO . -
My brother was born
And that's when my life began to complicate ... -
I moved to farm
I went back to Gyn
I came back to my home in city. -
I started School
My first school went Jardim Encantado. -
I and my brother met our maternal grandfather.
I started dance Classical Ballet
My first presentation (○^ ^ ○)
I was seven years and my mom loved the idea. I forever loved dance. ♡ The theme of the presentation was A christmans tale. -
My second presentation of Ballet Classical
That year, we presentation Cinderella. I was one of the court children. -
Sítio do Pica-pau amarelo
My third presentation. My character was Iara. -
The Circus
8th Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad of Public Schools
I won a certificate of Honorable Mention -
The fantastic chocolate factory
First Comic Strip Contest in Goiás
I won in second place . -
I finished the Classical Ballet
I graduated from the classic ballet course. -
The Wizard of Oz
It was my last performance -
I moved to Mara Rosa - GO
It was very strange to be in such a small town, and I did not know anyone either. It was difficult at first but I got used to it. -
I entered in Federal Institute of Goiás - Uruaçu Campus
I moved to Uruaçu - GO
After I was approved, my parents wanted to move me to Uruaçu. My first impression was: ' I will not live here! ". Uruaçu looked like an oven. But over time I got used to it. -
I met the best class of all
SILC 2016
Second lunch in my house. Note: I do not have photos from the first lunch ... -
June Party
Festa Junina . My mom , my dad and my brother came visit me. -
Art, Censorship and Resistance